1. B) c) Paul's Later Years In Tarsus

Home | 1. A) Antioch | 1. A) a) Antioch Hystory | 1. A) b) Biblical Background | 1. A) c)Antioch-Modern Antioch | 1. B) Tarsus | 1. B) a) History of Tarsus | 1. B) b) Pauls early years in tarsus | 1. B) c) Paul's later years in Tarsus | 2. Galatia | Pisidian, Anioch | 3. Phyrgia | 4. Ephesus | 4. a) Paul in Ephesus | 4. b) Riot In Ephesus | 4. c) Paul's Sufferings in Ephesus | 5.Macedonia | 6. Greece | 7.Macedonia | 8. Phillipi | 9. Troas | Modern Tarsus | 10. Assos | 10. a) Paul in Assos | 10. b) Hystory of Assos | 11.Mitylene | 12. Chios | 13. Samos | 14. Miletus | 15. Cos | 16. Rhodes | 17. Patara | 17. a) Hystory of Patara | 17. b) Paul in Patara | 18. Cyprus | Syria | Phoenicia | 19. Tyre | 19. a) Paul in Tyre | 19. b) Hystory of Tyre | 20. Ptolemais | 21. Caesarea | 21. a) Paul in Caesarea | 21. b) Hystory of Caesarea | Achaia | Jerusalem | Year Wise Reference | Corinth | Neapolis | Scripture Reference | Chapter 18 | chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21

Paul's Statue

Paul use make Tents

When the Jerusalem church sent Barnabas to Antioch on the Orontes in Acts 11:22, he was favorably impressed with the work of God there and decided he needed someone to help him. He went to Tarsus to get Paul before their first missionary journey. The distance between Antioch on the Orontes and Tarsus is 123 miles. It might have taken at least a week for Barnabas to reach Tarsus from Antioch. The Bible says Barnabas and Paul stayed in Antioch for a whole year and taught a great number of people before they were sent on their first journey (Acts 11:26b, NIV). This is the last reference to Paul's being in Tarsus in the Bible, but Paul probably went through Tarsus on his second and third missionary journeys before he started up into Galatia and Phrygia.