3. Phyrgia

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Phrygian Religion Cybele

The extensive western part of central Anatolia, the boundaries of which varied greatly over the years, is the area of Phrygia. The people seem to have been widely spread throughout the Aegean region also. Greek tradition has it that the Bryges are the oldest of all people and their language the original tongue; however they now appear to have supplanted an older civilization, possibly the Mushki, enemies of the Hittites. Among their kings are Midas of the golden touch and Gordius of the knot, whose kingdoms were in the Sangarius (Sakarya) River valley. The larger cities were Dorylaeum (Eskisehir), Cotyaeum (Kütahya) and Trajanopolis (Usak), with Laodicea and Colossae also included. Phrygians are credited with having invented the frieze.
Reference:Biblical Sites in Turkey


Phyrgia Midas City