Year Wise Reference

Home | 1. A) Antioch | 1. A) a) Antioch Hystory | 1. A) b) Biblical Background | 1. A) c)Antioch-Modern Antioch | 1. B) Tarsus | 1. B) a) History of Tarsus | 1. B) b) Pauls early years in tarsus | 1. B) c) Paul's later years in Tarsus | 2. Galatia | Pisidian, Anioch | 3. Phyrgia | 4. Ephesus | 4. a) Paul in Ephesus | 4. b) Riot In Ephesus | 4. c) Paul's Sufferings in Ephesus | 5.Macedonia | 6. Greece | 7.Macedonia | 8. Phillipi | 9. Troas | Modern Tarsus | 10. Assos | 10. a) Paul in Assos | 10. b) Hystory of Assos | 11.Mitylene | 12. Chios | 13. Samos | 14. Miletus | 15. Cos | 16. Rhodes | 17. Patara | 17. a) Hystory of Patara | 17. b) Paul in Patara | 18. Cyprus | Syria | Phoenicia | 19. Tyre | 19. a) Paul in Tyre | 19. b) Hystory of Tyre | 20. Ptolemais | 21. Caesarea | 21. a) Paul in Caesarea | 21. b) Hystory of Caesarea | Achaia | Jerusalem | Year Wise Reference | Corinth | Neapolis | Scripture Reference | Chapter 18 | chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21


Paul Foot Steps

Significant Events in Paul's Third Missionary Journey*

54 A.D.

  • Paul begins his third missionary journey. He leaves Antioch and goes to Ephesus.

  • Priscilla and Aquila are already in Ephesus and make contact with Apollos. After teaching him thoroughly about Christ, they and the brethren send Apollos to Corinth.

55 A.D.

  • Paul continues to stay in Ephesus.

56 A.D.

  • Paul continues to stay in Ephesus.

57 A.D.

  • In the Spring at Ephesus Paul writes 1 Corinthians.

  • In Summer he leaves Ephesus for Troas. He proceeds to Philippi.

  • It is in Philippi during the Autumn that it is believed Paul wrote II Corinthians. Titus arrives in the city.

  • In the Winter Paul goes to Corinth, where he writes the book of Galatians.

58 A.D.

  • In the Spring Paul writes the book of Romans.

  • Paul leaves Corinth and goes to Philippi and Miletus.

  • In the summer (Pentecost) Paul arrives in Jerusalem. He is arrested and sent to Caesarea.

* Chronology and Events taken from The Life & Epistles of St. Paul by Conybeare and Howson