Significant Events in Paul's Third Missionary Journey*
Paul begins his third missionary journey. He leaves Antioch and goes to Ephesus.
Priscilla and Aquila are already in Ephesus and make contact with Apollos. After teaching him thoroughly about Christ,
they and the brethren send Apollos to Corinth.
In the Spring at Ephesus Paul writes 1 Corinthians.
In Summer he leaves Ephesus for Troas. He proceeds to Philippi.
It is in Philippi during the Autumn that it is believed Paul wrote II Corinthians. Titus arrives in the city.
In the Winter Paul goes to Corinth, where he writes the book of Galatians.
In the Spring Paul writes the book of Romans.
Paul leaves Corinth and goes to Philippi and Miletus.
In the summer (Pentecost) Paul arrives in Jerusalem. He is arrested and sent to Caesarea.
* Chronology and Events taken from The Life & Epistles of St. Paul
by Conybeare and Howson