The temple of apollo at corinth still stands today A stone with an inscription was found
that refers to "Gallio of Achaia"
Gallio and the Judgement Seat |
Acts 18:12 Gallio was the deputy of Achaia, the Jews made insurrection with one accord
against Paul, and brought him to the judgment seat |
History Gallio was the son of the Seneca (Roman rhetorician ) and the elder brother of L. Annaeus
Seneca ( Roman philosopher). At Rome he was adopted by L. Junius Gallio, a rhetorician of some repute, from whom he took the
name of Junius Gallio. His brother Seneca, who dedicated to him the treatises De Ira and De Vita Beala, speaks
of the charm of his disposition, also alluded to by the poet Statius (Silvae, ii. 7, 32).
"Junius Gallio was exiled to Lesbos" - Tacitus Annals Book 6 Lesbos is Greece / Achaia